Here we go…
On the surface, network marketing companies seem to be great business opportunities that thrive on consumers who are happy with good quality products. This is far from reality.
Before you decide to go for network marketing, ask yourself WHY you want to do it. Most people answer on the lines of a financially free life, greater time with family, more money, etc.
Isn’t that right?
Well, let me ask you something else then…
How do you plan to go about it?
It is common to stick to the corporate script which inevitably ends up with your prospects asking about your network marketing company’s products and services. Most of the time, you will end up losing control of the call and both you and your prospect will be confused.
Do you know why that happens?
Because network marketing has nothing to do with selling your prospect on your products. On the contrary, the only thing you need to focus on is to talk to your prospect about their ultimate goals – FINANCIAL FREEDOM AND WEALTH BUILDING!
Network marketing is built on financial hopes and dreams and not promotion of products and services alone. That’s what the top money makers are doing and earning their financial freedom from.
Remember that your network marketing business will not grow if you just push product. The only way to be a successful internet marketer is to sell people on their financial dreams. After all, their main purpose is to achieve financial greatness, not try a specific product.
So that makes sales training and marketing system the real product of the company. The better you marketing system is able to help you generate sales, quicker will be your ability to reap financial benefits.
Monday, April 7, 2008
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